Research & Publications
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Current Projects
Master mit Zukunft
The project focuses on developing strategies to increase the attractiveness of STEM occupations. We aim to determine what factors ultimately drive the attractiveness of STEM subjects and occupations in order to provide hands-on recommendations to increase the proportion of women in STEM.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe
The project examines the impact of gender stereotypes in digital, STEM work contexts. We aim at developing concrete recommendations and measures for companies who want to strengthen their digital and innovation capabilities.
Contact: Dr. Theresa Treffers, Ilse Hagerer
Playful promotion of female students into an entrepreneurial STEM career. This project develops, evaluates, and distributes a digital learning game to support women on their way to a leadership position.
Contact: Dr. Theresa Treffers, Ilse Hagerer
The project investigates, which factors systematically affect the judgments of decision-makers from business and academia in the selection and assessment of executives. Subsequently, training measures for decision-makers are developed.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe
Scientific Publications
- Schittek, J., Born, N., Moore, C. Not all allyship actions are alike: A perceived cost perspective on effectiveness.· Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, 2024
- Born, N. & Pahl, A. Entrepreneurial Villains - How gender stereotypes predict (un)ethical behavior in entrepreneurship. Diana International Research Conference at Babson, 2024
- Born, N. Why not her? – An opt-out framing intervention to attenuate gender bias in nominations. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, 2024
- Treffers, T., Ritter, A.-C., Born, N., & Welpe, I. (2024). A systematic review of experimental evidence on interventions against bias and discrimination in organizations. Human Resource Management Review, 34(3), 1–19
- Born, N. & Erle, T. Shifting towards a more positive perception of counter-stereotypical individuals at the workplace Academy of Management Conference, 2023
- Born, N. Implicit gender bias in entrepreneurship: An NLP analysis of collective representations Academy of Management Conference (Best Paper Award), 2023 Diana International Research Conference at Babson, 2023
- Born, N., Treffers, T.: Breaking a mindless habit: Evidence from an experience sampling study about the effectiveness of a mindfulness intervention against gender bias. Academy of Management Conference, 2023 European Academy of Management Conference, 2023
- Treffers, T., Born, N. Welpe, I.M., Winkler, B. (2023): Wie DEI-Programme Erfolg haben: Von unwirksamen Maßnahmen hin zu echter Wirksamkeit. Organisationsentwicklung, Ausgabe 04/2023
- Born, N., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Wie sich Diversität weiter denken lässt: Die Macht der Bilder, Sprache, und Strukturen. Personalführung, Heft 06/2023
- Born, N., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Kein Nullsummenspiel: DEI kommt allen Geschlechtern zugute. Personalwirtschaft, Ausgabe 05_2023, S. 22-27
Conference Proceedings
PlayMINT - Still Playing or Already Leading? Design of a Digital Learning Game to Promote Female STEM Students’ Innovative Work Behavior and Digital LeadershipHagerer, Ilse; Treffers, Theresa (shared first authorship); Hoffmann, Antonia; Richly, Carolin; Baier, Stephan; Welpe, Isabell (2020): PlayMINT - Still Playing or Already Leading? Design of a Digital Learning Game to Promote Female STEM Students’ Innovative Work Behavior and Digital Leadership, in: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, pp. 808-811, Brighton, UK. |
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Journal Article
Linking employer branding orientation and firm performance: Testing a dual mediation route of recruitment efficiency and positive affective climateTumasjan, A., Kunze, F., Bruch, H., & Welpe, I. M. (2019). Linking employer branding orientation and firm performance: Testing a dual mediation route of recruitment efficiency and positive affective climate. Human Resource Management, 1-17. |
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Journal Article
Share your pride: How expressing pride in the self and others heightens the perception of agentic and communal characteristicsRitzenhöfer, L., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M. (2018). Share your pride: How expressing pride in the self and others heightens the perception of agentic and communal characteristics. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34(6), 847-863. |
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Journal Article
Support for quotas for women in leadership: The influence of gender stereotypesMölders, S., Brosi, P., Bekk, M., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2017). Support for quotas for women in leadership: The influence of gender stereotypes. Human Resource Management, 57(4), 869-882. |
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Journal Article
Expressing pride: Effects on perceived agency, communality and stereotype-based gender disparitiesBrosi, P., Spörrle, M., Welpe, I. M., & Heilman, M. E. (2016). Expressing pride: Effects on perceived agency, communality and stereotype-based gender disparities. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(9), 1319-1328. |
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Journal Article
Willing to lead, not willing to follow: Gender-specific inferences from pride expressionsBrosi, P., Heilman, M. E., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2016). Willing to lead, not willing to follow: Gender-specific inferences from pride expressions. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2016, 1, 11982. |
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Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und PolitikWelpe, I. M., Brosi, P., Ritzenhöfer, L., & Schwarzmüller, T. (Eds). (2015). Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. [Selection of men and women as leaders: Perspectives from business, research, media and politics]. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Zu wenig bekannt, aber durchaus akzeptiert: Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in FührungspositionenMölders, S., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2015). Zu wenig bekannt, aber durchaus akzeptiert: Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Führungspositionen [Not enough known, but accepted: Public perception of measures for enhancing the percentage of women in leadership positions.]. In I. M. Welpe, P. Brosi, L. Ritzenhöfer und T. Schwarzmüller (Eds.), Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Gibt es Geschlechtsstereotype in der Wahrnehmung von Berufsgruppen?Lotzkat, G., & Welpe, I. M. (2015). Gibt es Geschlechtsstereotype in der Wahrnehmung von Berufsgruppen? [Are there gender stereotypes with regard to the perception of different occupations?]. In I. M. Welpe, P. Brosi, L. Ritzenhöfer und T. Schwarzmüller (Eds.), Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik (pp. 519-536). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Führung im digitalen ZeitalterSchwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M. (2015). Führung im digitalen Zeitalter. [Leadership in the digital era]. In T. Becker, & Knop, C. (Eds.), Digitales Neuland: Warum Deutschlands Manager jetzt Revolutionäre werden (pp. 155-166). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Erfolgreiche Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften–Ansatzpunkte für Individuen, Unternehmen und Politik.Ritzenhöfer, L., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M. (2015). Erfolgreiche Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften–Ansatzpunkte für Individuen, Unternehmen und Politik. [Successful selection and evaluation of leaders–Solutions for individuals, companies and politics.]. In I. M. Welpe, P. Brosi, L. Ritzenhöfer und T. Schwarzmüller (Eds.), Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik (pp. 729-750). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Reducing perceived lack-of-fit: Promoting women's success by training stereotype-proof selection proceduresSchwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M. (2015). Reducing perceived lack-of-fit: Promoting women's success by training stereotype-proof selection procedures. In I. M. Welpe, P. Brosi, L. Ritzenhöfer und T. Schwarzmüller (Eds.), Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik (pp. 273-295). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler. |
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Wenn Gleiches unterschiedlich beurteilt wird. Die Wirkung unbewusster VorurteileWelpe, I. M., Brosi, P., & Schwarzmüller, T. (2014). Wenn Gleiches unterschiedlich beurteilt wird. Die Wirkung unbewusster Vorurteile. [When the same is evaluated differently. How unconscious biases operate.]. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 23(4), 32-35. |
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Journal Paper
Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Please mind the gap!Welpe, I. M., Schwarzmüller, T., & Spörrle, M. (2012). Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Please mind the gap! [Women in science: Please mind the gap!]. Politische Studien, 63(2), 39-51. |
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Journal Paper
Frauen in Führungspositionen: Was Unternehmen wissen solltenPeus, C. and Welpe, I.M. (2011). Frauen in Führungspositionen: Was Unternehmen wissen sollten, OrganisationsEntwicklung 2, 47–55. |
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Practice-oriented publications
Conference Proceedings
Das TUM.Diversity & Talent Management Coaching Programm.Welpe, I. M., Lotzkat, G., & Ritzenhöfer, L. (2015). Das TUM.Diversity & Talent Management Coaching Programm. [The TUM.diversity & talent management coaching program]. In SVP Diversity & Talent Management TUM, K. Diepold (Eds.), Diversity an der TUM–Fokus: Gender & Family. Immenstadt, Germany: Eberl Druck. |
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Popular Article
Gender diversity in German and French startups – still a long way to goto close the gapTreffers, T., Heidegger, L., & Welpe, I.M. (2022): Gender diversity in German and French startups – still a long way to goto close the gap. Study initiated by the Roland Berger Foundation for European Management. |
Popular Article
Wie Frauen in den Vorstand von Dax-Firmen aufsteigenWelpe, I.M. & Treffers, T. (2021): Wie Frauen in den Vorstand von Dax-Firmen aufsteigen. Manager Magazin. |
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